
Photo Album of Jewish Organization Records

The following are a list of Jewish organizations known to have existed in Rohatyn. Click on a group name to link to a page about the organization.  A database of people connected to these groups follows the list.  The database was created with the help of Chris Small who transcribed the names mentioned in records regarding these organizations.  The actual records seen in the photo album are stored at the Ivano-Frankovsk Archive and were microfilmed by CAHJP in Jerusalem.  Several images provided by Karen Roekard. 


Supportive and Charitable Organizations:

1. I.C.A. Loan Society - founded in 1906[1]

2. Supporters of Merchants[1]

3. Association of Merchants[1]

4. Yad Harutzim (Hand of the Diligent)[1]

5. Doshei Tov (Seekers of Goodness)[1]

6. Rodfei Zedek (Pursuers of Justice)[1]

7. Women's Society [1]


Zionist Organizations:

1. B'nai Zion (Sons of Zion) - founded in 1895,[1]

2. Ruth - womens zionist group founded in 1907.[1]

3. General Zionists[1]

4. Poalei Zion (Workers of Zion) - c1920[1]

5. Hitachdut -c1920s[1]

6. The Revisionists - 1930[1]

7. Mizrachi - 1927[1]

8. Hashomer Hatzair (The Young Guard) - 1919[1]

9. Stam-Chalutz (General Pioneers)[1]

10. HaNoar Hatsioni (Zionist Youth) - late 1920s[1]

11. Akiva - late 1920s[1]

12. Gordonia - late 1920s[1]

13. Betar - late 1920s[1]

14. Tarbut (Hebrew Language School network)


Other Youth Movements:

1. Drama Club - 1930s[1]

2. Maccabi Sport Club - 1930s[1]



[1] Pinkas for Rohatyn.