Maps and Gazetteers
Map Archive of the Polish Military Geographical Institute - MapyWIG
MapyWIG: 1924-1939 Interwar maps of Poland and Mapster Visual Index
Mapster: Navigation tool for MapyWIG
MapyWIG: Assorted Street Maps and Mapster Visual Index
1859 Regional Maps of Kingdom of Poland
1907 Regional Maps of Kingdom of Poland
Skorowidz Miejscowości Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej: Localities of Interwar Poland c1934
Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego: Geographic Dictionary of Kingdom of Poland 1880-1914
Skorowidz Królestwa Polskiego, Vol 1: Indexes to Places in Kindom of Poland c1877
Skorowidz Królestwa Polskiego, Vol 2: Indexes to Places in Kindom of Poland c1877