*Chicago birth certificates, 1878-1922
*Cook County birth certificates, 1878-1894
*Cook County birth certificates, 1916-1922
*Chicago birth registers, 1871-1915
*Registers of births outside of the city [Chicago], 1878-1894[1878-1885; 3 films not yet included]
Chicago, birth records, 1871-1978[Delayed birth certificates, 1917-1940; birth certificates, 1923-1939; birth affidavits, 1920-1926]
Cook County birth records, 1888-2006 [Birth certificates, 1923-1941; delayed series, 1917-1940; stillbirths, 1928-1942]
*Birth corrections and delayed births, 1916-1918
*Chicago birth corrections and indexes, 1871-1915;unrelated, actual birth records, 1870s to 1940s
Indexes:Cook County Birth Certificates, 1871-1940
Cook County Birth Registers, 1871-1915
Cook County, Birth Certificates, 1871-1940
Cook County Birth Registers, 1871-1915
Cook County Birth Index, 1916-1935
*Marriage licenses, 1871-1920; index, 1871-1916
Cook County marriage records, 1920-1959
Cook County Marriage Index, 1871-1920
Cook County Marriage Index 1912-1942
Cook County Marriage Index, 1930-1960
Chicago Death Index 1871-1933. (FamilySearch)- For deaths 1871-1877. This is the only public index that covers the early deaths. If you find a match, contact the Cook County clerk's office.
- Out-of-town deaths are indicated by the "OT" in the column just before the date of death. If you find one of those entries, it's best to contact the vital records office where the death took place to see if you can get an original record. However, if the death occurred 1909-1915, the matching Chicago records (likely derivative) are available at FamilySearch. See Out of town deaths, 1909-1915.
- Stillbirths are indicated by the "SB" in the column just before the date of death. some stillbirths are recorded in the birth registers at the end of each alphabetical section; many new stillbirth certificates appear to be online at FamilySearch, accessible through the catalog.
Source:, Celebrating Digital Access: CDI 187-1933, 9/13/2017.
*Chicago death certificates, 1878-1915
*Chicago death certificates, 1916-1922
*Chicago death certificates, 1916-1945 [not available as digital images]
Chicago death records, 1909-1994[Death certificates, 1921-1938; stillbirths, 1909-1941]
*Cook County death certificates, 1878-1909, 1916-1922
*Coroners death certificates, 1879-1904
*Out of town deaths, 1909-1915
INDEXESCook County Deaths, 1878-1994
Cook County Death Index, 1908-1988
Record groups marked with an asterisk have been digitized from the Family History Library films.Source: ChicagoGenealogy, Which Chicago Records are Available on FamilySearch, 9/12/2017
Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections
The Sentinel (at National Library of Israel)
The Sentinel (at Illinois State Archives)
Center for Research Libraries Center for Research Libraries Digital Collections CRL Delivery System
You can now find us on the third floor of Deering Library in room 305 (i.e., in the former Special Collections reading room). This space now serves as the single access point for patrons to view Special Collections, University Archives, and Music rare materials in person. Please also note the following changes to our policies and procedures:
Reading room hours are 9am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday; appointments are not required but strongly encouraged for optimal service
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Reading room is under video surveillance
Cook County Minor and Soldier Naturalization Record Index, 1871-1903 (Criminal Court)
Cook County Declarations of Intention, 1871-1903 (Criminal Court)
Cook County Naturalization Records Index, 1871-1906 (Superior Court)
Cook County Declarations of Intention, 1871-1906 (Superior Court)
Cook County Declarations of Intention, 1906-1929 (Superior Court)
Cook County Naturalization Records, 1923-1924 (Superior Court)
Cook County Military Naturalization Records, 1904-1906 (Superior Court)
Cook County Under 18 Naturalization Records, 1904-1908 (Superior Court)
Cook County Unfound Naturalization Record Index, 1918-1923 (County Clerk)
Cook County Declarations of Intention, 1874-1906 (County Court)
Cook County Naturalization Records, 1874-1903 (County Court)
Cook County Declarations of Intention 1874-1929 (Circuit Court)
Cook County Naturalization Records, 1871-1925 (Circuit Court)
Cook County Naturalization Records, 1906-1929 (Circuit Court)
Cook County Soldier Naturalization Records, 1920-1924 (Circuit Court)
Northern District Petitions for Naturalization, 1906-1944 (US District Court)
Northern District Petitions for Naturalization, 1906-1994 (US District Court - Chicago)
Naturalization records: Declarations of Intention
Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court in Chicago
Richard Daley Center, Room 1113, 50 W. Washington, Chicago. 312-603-6601
Naturalization Records for Circuit, Superior, County, and Criminal Courts (1871-1929) - Index on site
Probate Records - Index on site
Divorce Records (1871-1986) - Index on site
Civil Lawsuits (1871-1964)
Criminal Felony Records (ie murder, rape, robbery with a gun) imprisoned at Joliet or Pontiac
Misdameanor Records 1914-1925 - tons of microfilms, unindexed
Naturalization records: Declarations of Intention
Cook County Medical Examiner for Coroner Inquest when deaths occurred by: