Rynek of Rohatyn
A diagram of the town's rynek (marketplace) as recollected by Jack Glotzer z"l and Herman Skolnik z"l in 1999 at the request and initiation of Donia Schwarztein z"l, and redrawn by Alexander Walzer, Jack's brother in law. A special thanks to Howard Steinmetz z"l for sharing this diagram with the group. However, one should ignore the compass at the upper left showing North directed toward the top of the page. According to how this diagram is laid out, North should point almost toward the left egde of the page or about 65 degrees counterclockwise.
The color photographs below were taken by Marla Raucher Osborn during her trip to Rohatyn in 2008 and are being used with her gracious permission to correlate the stores in the diagram to the left with actual buildings as they currently stand in Rohatyn. There is some guesswork as to which buildings match up to the stores listed in the diagram. If the match seems incorrect, please let me(Alex) know.
Dollar Saloon (Szynk) and Residence of Jonas Horn family.
William Halpern lived on top floor. Home up the street of Dovid and Bronia Hornstein Horn
(Anna Yenenga commissioned this painting by a resident artist of Rohatyn and brought it from Rohatyn to the United States as a gift to Jacob Hornstein; permission granted by Harriet Korim to post this image.)
Polish Constitution Day celebrations in 1938
The red and white stripes on the door frames indicated that the store carried cigarettes, matches, and sugar, consumer goods regulated by a state monopoly. Image courtesy of Marla Raucher Osborn; photo from Paulina, current Rohatyn citizen.(Source: https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/media_ph.php?ModuleId=0&MediaId=3995)