1822 Property Owners


Archive: Central State Historical Archive in Lviv - Fond 146/78/233

Folder Title: Property Lists of Rohatyn, in Berezhany county, 1822-1827

Image Acquisition: Olga Blaga-Maletska, Director of Rohatyn's regional museum, Opillya.

Link to document folder of Rohatyn 1822 Property List Images

Transcription: LSA146.78.233p17-20 Polish by Piotr Lewicki

Translation: LSA146.78.233p17-20 English  by Google Translate

Indexing: Alexander Feller

Primer: Introduction to 1822 Property Lists by Piotr Lewicki and Alex Denysenko

Spreadsheet Guide: The handwriting of the names in the records can at times be hard to decipher.  Where I put a "?", I am unable to make out the name.  In some cases, I used the written Hebrew name to determine the name and compare the list with the 1820 census.  If the same name appeared in the 1820 census, I wrote "In 1820" in the third column.  Where the 1820 list contained the same surname but a different given name, I wrote the given name from the 1820 list in the third column.  If the name did not appear in the 1820 census, I wrote "Not in 1820".  I welcome any member to look at the originals and verify that I transcribed the name correctly.  Spreadsheet contains two worksheets.  Tabs at base of spreadsheet for Jewish and Non=Jewish Owners.