
Jewish Birth, Marriage, and Death Records from Vienna

The best way to find out if records exist for an individual is to email Dr. Hubert Steiner, who was and may still be the head or main contact at the archives, in English,  and simply ask him.  Give him all the information including name, address, and particularly the date of birth. (The records are filed by name and date of birth).  Dr. Hubert Steiner's email address: Hubert.Steiner@oesta.gv.atAlternatively, you could contact the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien ("IKG", or the Jewish Community of Vienna) in English and ask them for assistance in finding out if a document exists and how you can obtain a copy. Birth-, marriage- and death records of the Jewish Community 1826 – 1938, available for public and private research.Issuance of certificates for public and private purposes (there is a fee). Response to verbal and written inquiries, partially in cooperation with the supervisory board of the cemetery and the library of the Jewish Museum.Birth, marriage, and death books maintained by the IKG through all the years up to WWII, and even now of Jews who lived in Vienna; but only if they were born in Vienna, or got married in Vienna, or died there. If a person came to Vienna already married and did not die there, there would be no record. Those books are at the IKG and contain dates and places of birth, parents' names, witnesses, etc. For example, I am in the birth record book for my year, but in no other book. My father is in the marriage book of the year he got married, but no other book. The IKG has a master card file (probably computerized by now), with which they can look up names quickly and determine if there might be a record for a person in a given book. The key info is date of birth. For example, in the case of a name like Schwarz there would be hundreds in the master file, and DOB would filter them out.Archives:Mag.Wolf-Erich EcksteinTel.: 01/531 04-172Fax: 01/531 04-179e-mail:
Sabine KollerAssistant Archive and Jewish RecordsTel: +43 (1) 531 04-204E-Mail:
Web: / www.ikg-wien.atArchiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien /Archive of the Jewish Community of ViennDesider-Friedmann-Platz 1A-1010 WienÖsterreich / AustriaIsraeltische Kultusgemeinde Wien (Israelite Cult Parish, Vienna)Seitenstettengasse 41010 Wien Impressum or Kontakt for contact detailsOskar Deutsch, President of Parish-

Or Chadasch Synagogue: Juedische Liberale Gemeinde Wien- Jewish Liberal Parish Vienna


Declaration of Wealth of Jews = Verzeichnis uber das Verm?gens von Juden

All Jews with a minimum worth of assets who lived in Austria after the March 1938 Anschluss were required to submit a "Verzeichnis uber das Verm?gens von Juden" (Declaration of wealth of Jews) to the Nazi authorities by a certain date (1938 or 1939). This requirement  affected ONLY the Jews that lived within what was then "Greater Germany," including newly annexed Austria. WWII began in Sept. 1939, and none of the territories outside of then Austria were included in this program to document all Jewish assets and belongings.  When te Germans attacked Russia in June 1941, things changed for the Jews of Rohatyn, as  then they came under German occupation and horrendous acts of terror followed. However, there were no "Verm?gens Verzeichniss"  documents for the Jews outside of 1938 Austria, including those in Rohatyn. Everything was just taken away from them and they were killed by the Einsatzgruppen. Most of the "Verm?gens Verzeichniss" documents, but not all, exist in the Austrian State Archives on the Nottendorfergasse in Vienna.

2. Search Page for the Austrian State Archives

A. Rohatyn Records at the Austrian State Archives:


E-Mail: of the University of Vienna Search PageArchive of the University of Vienna Search Page (alternate)Law School Student Enrollment 1855-1907
Contact: Herbert PoschContact email: A-1090 Vienna, Spitalgasse 2-4, court 1Phone: Tel +43-1/4277-41236 | Fax -9412Mr.  Posch is very knowledgeable and responsive.  Available documents include academic records, biographical information on the student, student's father, professors, courses, and Vienna addresses while attending school.Student records obtained:1. Horn, Jute by Marla2. Horn, Bronia by Marla
A search on ROHATYN yielded 10 results:1. Personengruppe - 1917 (a photo) link2. Wald, Josef Mendel link3. Koppens, Julius (document) link4. Weidmann, Ludwig (document) link5. Druks, Markus (document) link6. Druks, Samuel Juda link7. Reichmann, Sabina link8. Reichmann, Anna link9. Goldschlag, Saul link10. Druks, Markus link

A Search on ROHATYN yielded two results:

1. Golda FISCHER, born on March 28th, 1913 in Rohatyn/Poland (entitled residency ('heimatberechtigt') for Vienna/Austria, Citizenship: Austria), daughter of Joel Fischer (merchant), lived in Wien 9, Glasergasse 11/11, was enrolled finally in the spring term 1938 at the Medical School in the 3rd year of her studies.

2. Saul GOLDSCHLAG, born on March 25th, 1891 in Rohatyn/Poland wasn't enrolled at the Philosophical School any more in 1938, but was preparing for the final exams ('Rigorosen'). He registered for the final exams in History on April 1st, 1930. His dissertation 'Die Wiener führende Presse und der deutsch-französische Krieg 1870/71' was accepted on May 23rd, 1930. He passed the first 'Rigorosum' on July 1st, 1937 and the second 'Rigorosum' on July 6th, 1938. He could finally finish his studies and graduated on July 21st, 1938, but only with the discriminating ceremony of a 'Nichtarierpromotion', which included at the same time that he was banned from his profession




Letter to the Stars (no longer accessible)


  1. Rosa Baczeles  1020 Wien, Flossgasse 6/2
  2. Johann Norbert Censer  1190 Wien, Kreindlg. 15
  3. Isak Dickler
  4. Debora Dikler  1020 Wien, Grosse Sperlgasse 33
  5. Rifka Drucks  1020 Wien, Grosse Pfarrgasse 6/14
  6. Aron Ehrenberg  1200 Wien, Universumstr. 30
  7. Leib Falth  1020 Wien, Obermüllnerstrasse 5/20
  8. Frimet Goldstein  1020 Wien, Grosse Pfarrgasse 6
  9. Felicia Hornung  1030 Wien, Adamsgasse 13/10
  10. Abraham Kirschen  1100 Wien, Senefelderg. 53
  11. Czarna Landtner  1020 Wien, Förstergasse 8
  12. Viktor Lantner  1020 Wien, Rembrandtstrasse 28/10
  13. Moses Lopater
  14. Ida Reizenblat  1020 Wien, Miesbachgasse 10
  15. Samuel Scheiner  1020 Wien, Rembrandtstrasse 34
  16. Sala Wald
  17. Wilhelm Wald
  18. Sachar Nuchim Weinstock

Austrian Victims of the Holocaust

RESTITUTIONErika JakubovitsDepartment for Restitution AffairsDesider-Friedmann-Platz 1A-1010 Vienna, AustriaTel: +43 (1) 531 04-201Fax: +43 (1) 531 04-219E-Mail: restitution@ikg-wien.atwww.restitution.or.atInformation and contacts regarding restitution for victims of the Holocaust in Austria can be found at the following: (direct link to the searchable list of names)For more information about these records, links to websites are listed below:WikipediaInstructions on how to find these recordsRestitution Information.Information and contacts regarding restitution for victims of the Holocaust in Austria can be found at the following: (direct link to the searchable list of names)Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv


Austria-Czech SIG

Post message to Austria-Czech SIG- to get records from IKG in Vienna

Previous contact with Archiv der Republik database-

Austrian Newspapers Online