House Number Project
The House Number Database Project correlates surnames with house numbers where available. This information is extracted from the following sources:
1. Rohatyn Vital Records including birth (1859-1881) and death records (1877-1886) donated by group members and originally acquired from the Polish State Archive AGAD through JRI Poland.
2. 1870 Tax/Voter records partially provided by Phyllis and Joan and completely provided by a member who originally acquired them from CAHJP.
3. 1820 Landowner records provided by Marla and acquired from the Lviv State Archives.
4. 1846 Landowner records provided by Gesher Galicia in connection with the Cadastral Map Project and acquired from the Lviv State Archives using a combination of funds from this group and Gesher Galicia.
Images of donated records are located in the Rohatyn Records Image Album in the groups private Picasa photo gallery. To find an image, follow these instructions:
1. For vital records, the following notation is used: birth (B) and death (D) records, akt number (ID1) and page number (ID2). The image is labelled as (year)(B or D)(akt(ID1) or p(ID2)(a or b). Locate the label of the image in the caption in the image album.
2. For a tax/voter (T/V) record, find the image labelled 1870(ID1).
3. For a landowner/property (P) record, find the image labelled year(ID1).
A guide to a translation to the vital record headings is given below the database and an infofile is attached at the bottom of the page. Read the Notes on Records for additional information.
Click on the links below to connect to the Record Images or the Interactive 1846 map with house locater.
The database is sorted by House Number and by Surname. To switch between the sorted databases, click on the tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet screen. If you find any errors or transcription mistakes, please let me know by email me at
zmarł [date] r. Tom [number] str. [number] księgi śmierci.
died [date] Volume [number] page [number] of death records book.
przyznaję się do ojcostwa. Legitymowany, nieślubny.
I admit to paternity. Legitimate, illegitimate.
Wesele dla małżonków zaślubionych tam
Wedding for spouses married there
House numbers do not correlate to an address number. House numbers were given in order as buildings were being constructed. So homes next to each other could have very different house numbers depending on when they were built. At this stage of the project, this database of house numbers gives you a time frame of when a family lived in a certain house. It also shows if a family moved around a lot or tended to stay in one place. It is possible to assume that families that lived in the same house may have been closely related or close friendship. House numbers may be assigned to buildings that were single family homes, apartment buildings, or a combination of retail and living.
This stage of the House number project does NOT reveal the location of home or building. HOWEVER, that is about to change with the next stage of the House Number project. With the recent acquisition of the cadastral map and lists by Brian Lenius as part of Gesher Galicia's Cadastral Map Project (thanks to those of you who donated), house numbers may be matched to a location on the cadastral map of Rohatyn. In combination with the Google Earth project, exact mapping coordinates could be given to each house number.
While I was sorting through these records, I have made the following notations.
Specific names of towns were not written until 1868. For records before 1868, Rohatyn is assumed to be the town of the house number.
In general, the last name of the father was not recorded until November 1870. For records before November 1870, it is assumed that the surname of the child born is the father's surname.
In general, names of mothers were not routinely recorded until 1870 when first names began to be written. Maiden names of mothers were not routinely recorded until 1875.
The legitimacy of the child was not routinely recorded until 1870. Legitimacy in this sense means that a child was born to a couple who had a marriage obtained with the civil authorities while an illegitimate child was born to a couple who did not have a marriage obtained with the civil authorities although it was obtained with the religious authorities.
Given that legitimacy was recorded starting in 1870 but mother's maiden name was not recorded until 1875, it can only be assumed for records between 1870 and 1874 that the surname recorded for an illegitimate child born is the same as the father's surname.
The language of headings for vital records was printed in Latin until 1877 when it was switched to both German and Polish.
In 1878, records became two pages long.
Information on the translation of headings was obtained from an infofile created by Mark Halpern and found on the Jewishgen website. I have attached it at the bottom of this page.
Translation of Birth Records prior to 1875 from Latin to English:
Mensis Natus = Date of Month of Birth (Year written in box above 'Mensis'. The month was written across record)
Mensis Baptisatus = Date of Month of Baptism
Numerus Domus = House Number
Nomen = Name of Child
Religio Catholica = Catholic
Religio Aut Alia = other
Sexus Puer = Male
Sexus Puella = Female
Legitimi Thori = Legitimate
Illegitimi Thori = Illegitimate
Primogenitus = Firstborn
Parentes Nomen = Parents Names
Parentes Conditio = Parents Occupation
Patrini Nomen = Godparents (Witnesses) Names (Comments ie Date of Death were also written in this column)
Patrini Conditio = Godparents (Witnesses) Occupation
Translation of Birth Records between 1875 and 1876 from Latin to English:
Nr Posit = Record Number (AKT)
Mensis Natus = Date of Month of Birth
Mensis Baptisatus = Date of Month of Batpism
Nomen = Name of Child
Religio Catholica = Religion Catholic
Religio Aut Alia = Religion Other
Sexus Puer = Male
Sexus Puella = Female
Thori Legitimi = Legitimate
Thori Illegitimi = Illegitimate
Parentes Nomen = Parents Names
Parentes Conditio = Parents Occupation
Patrini Nomen = Godparents (Witnesses) Names
Patrini Conditio = Godparents (Witnesses) Occupation (Comments i.e. date of death were also written in this column)
Translation of Birth Records after 1877 from Polish and German to English:
Liczba porzadkowa, fortlaufende Zahl = Record Number (AKT)
Urodzenia, der Geburt = Birth
dzien, Tag = Day of Birth
miesiac, Monat = Month of Birth
rok, Jahr = Year of Birth
Micjsce, Ort = Town of Birth
N. Domu, Haus N. = House Number of Birth
Obrzezania lub nadania imienia, Der Beschneidung oder Nameus Beilegung = Bris or Naming
Dzien, Tag = Day of Bris or Naming
micsiac, Monat = Month of Bris or Naming
rok, Jahr = Year of Bris or Naming
miejsce, Ort = Town of Bris or Naming
N. domu, Haus Nr. = House Number of Bris or Naming (sometimes synagogue written)
dziciecia, des Kindes = Child
Imie, Name = Given Name
Piec, Geschlecht = Sex
mezka, Manlich = Male
zenska, weiblich = Female
Urodzenie slubne rzekomo slubne lub nicslubne, ehlich angeblich ehcliche oder unehcliche Geburt = Born Legitimate or Illegitimate
Imie i nazwisko ojca jakotez jego stan, zatrudnienia, i miejsce zamieszkania, Vor u Zuname des Vaters, sowie Stand u Beschaftigung und dessen Wohnort = Father's Name, Surname, Occupation, and Place of Residence
Imie i nazwisko matki, jej stan i zamieszkanie jako tez imie i nazwisko zatrudnienie i miejsce zamieszkania jej rodzicow, Vor u Zumame der Mutter, ihr Stand und Wohnort, dann vor und zuname, Beschaftigung u. Worhnort ihrer Aeltern = Mother's name, civil marriage, status, occupation, parents names and place of residence. (Usually mother's full name, parents names, and residence)
wlasnoreczny podpis z wymienieniem zatrudnienia i miejsce zamieszkania, Eigenhandige Utnerschrift mit Angabe der Beschaftigung und des Wohnortes kumow lub swiadkow, Sandeka lub Szames, der Pateu, oder zeugen des Sandeks oder Schames = Signature of Official or Witnesses and place of residence
obrzezajacego lub obrzezujacych, des oder der Beschneider = Signature of Mohel and place of residence
akuszerki lub akuszera, der Hebame oder des geburtshelfers = Signature of Midwife and place of residence
dzieci niezywo urodzone, todt geborene kinder = Report of Stillbirth
Uwaga, Anmerkung = Remarks
Translation of Death Records after 1877 from Polish and German to English:
Liczba porz., fordlaufende Zahl = Record Number (AKT)
Data i liczba karty ogledzin posmiertnych potwierdzonej przez Zwierszchnosc i nazwisko ogladujacego zwloki, Datum und Zahl des obrigkeitlich vidirten Todten Schauzettels und Name des Todtenbeschauers = Date of Recording, Page of Entry, and Name of Examiner
smierci, des Absterbens
godzina, Stunde = Hour of Death
dzien, Tag = Day of Death
miesiac, Monat = Month of Death
rok, Jahr = Year of Death
miejs. i N. dom, Ort u Haus N. = Town and House Number of Death
pogrzebn, der Beerdigung
dzien, Tag = Day of Burial
miesiac, Monat = Month of Burial
rok, Jahr = Year of Burial
miejsce, Ort = Place of Burial
zmarlego, des berstorhenen
Imie i nazwisko stan i zatrudnienie niemniej imiona zatrudnienia i miejsce zameiszkania rodzicow, Vor und Zunname Stnd Beschaftigung ferner Name Beschaftigung und Wohnort der Aeltern = Name and Surname of Deceased, Marital Status, Occupation, and Town of Residence.
miejs zamiesz., Wohnort = Town of Residence
Nr. Domu, Haus Nr. = House Number
Piec, deschishctes
meska, mannlich = Male
rzenska, weiblich = Female
wiek, Alter
lat, Jahr = Age in Years
miesiecy, Monat = Age in Months
Stan, Stand
wolny, ledig = Single
zonaty zamez., verheurathet = Married
wdowiec wdowa, verwittwet = Widowed
Choroba i rodzaj smierci, Krankheit und Todesart = Cause of Death
Uwaga, Anmerkung = Remarks