1846 Cadastral Land Survey

Archive: Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv  - Fond 186/1/668

1. 1846 Alphabetical List for the town of Rohatyn including the village of Perenowka - pages 1-78, 533 entries

(Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Gemeinde Rohatyn samt Ortschaft Perenowka 1846)

2. 1846 Original Building Site Protocol for the town of Rohatyn including the village of Perenowka - pages 79-116, 718 entries

(Original Bauparzellen Protocoll der Gemeinde Rohatyn samt Ortschaft Perenowka 1846)

3. 1846 Cadastral Map for Rohatyn and Perenowka - pages 1-21

(Feldskizzen der Gemeinde Rohatyn 1846)

Image Acquisition: Gesher Galicia Cadastral Map Project funded by RSRG members; Jay Osborn

Indexing: Alexander Feller 

Spreadsheet Guide: Click on the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet for data sorted by Item number, surname, and house number.  An additional tab is given for the 1820 Property Owners spreadsheet.

Link to the 1846 ROHATYN TOWN CADASTRAL MAP in the Gesher Galicia Map Room by Jay Osborn

Link to the ROHATYN HOUSE FINDER by Jay Osborn

1846 Property Owners