Holocaust Resources
Yahad - In Unum (Holocaust by Bullets)
Testimonies by witnesses (videos)
Testimonies by witnesses (Rohatyn Jewish Heritage)
Soviet Extraordinary Commission
Background - Rohatyn Jewish Heritage's Research on the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission Report on the Rohatyn District
Materials on the investigation of atrocities committed by the Nazi invaders and their accomplices in the Rogatin region, January 1945-March 1945.
State Archive of the Russian Federation, Moscow (GARF). Fond 7021, File 73, Folder 13. (originals)
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). RG22.002M/1995.A.1265, Reel 11. RG22 Finding Aid
JewishGen Soviet Extraordinary Commission Database
Registers, summary sheet, and acts on the damage caused by Nazi invaders to the citizens of the Rohatyn Region.
State Archive of the Russian Federation, Moscow (GARF). Fond 7021, File 73, Folder 65. (originals)
Yad Vashem. Item ID 6231933, File # JM/21840. Link to images on Rohatyn Drive
RDRG Holocaust Victims Webpage - Fond 7021/73/65: Itemization of Damage Index.
Rohatyn Jewish Heritage's Research on Rohatyn sheets from GARF 7021/73/65
Acts on Accounting for the damage caused by Nazi invaders and their accomplices to the collective farms of Rohatynsky district.
State Archive of the Russian Federation, Moscow (GARF). Fond 7021, File 73, Folder 27. (originals)
Questionnaires for Soviet citizens who returned from German captivity to Rohatynsky District
State Archive of the Russian Federation, Moscow (GARF). Fond 7021, File 73, Folder 142. (originals)
List of Murdered People and deportees from Bursztyn
State Archive of the Russian Federation, Moscow (GARF). Fond 7321. File 73. Folder 2. (originals)
Murdered - Yad Vashem. Item ID 5730010. File # JM/19980.
Deportees - Yad Vashem. Item ID 5730030. File #JM/19980.
Documentation regarding murder of Jewish population n the Stanislawow region during German occupation
Ukrainian State Archives of the Ivano-Frankivsk region (DAIFO), Fond 98/1. (originals)
(copies may also be in the Rabbi Kolesnik Collection)
Yad Vashem. Item ID 10564805, File # 169-177,419,558, 652, 713, JM/17303.
- Stanislawow district: DAIFO Fond 98s/1/1. Yad Vashem Item ID 3678173, File # 170
- Bukoczowce and Bolszowce regions: DAIFO Fond 98s/1/6. YV Item ID 3678176, File # 173.
- Bolszowce: DAIFO Fond 98s/1/7. Yad Vashem Item Item ID 3678177, File # 174.
- Stanislawow region: DAIFO Fond 98s/1/25. Yad Vashem Item ID 3678179, File # 176.
- Stanislawow city and region: DAIFO Fond 98/58s/1. Yad Vashem Item ID 3722626, File #558.
- Stanislawow region: DAIFO Fond 98/1/1. Yad Vashem RG M.52 File # JM/17303.
- Burshtyn Area: DAIFO Fond 98c/1c/3. Yad Vashem Item ID 13220825, File # JM/17303.
- Bukaczowce Area: DAIFO Fond 98c/1c/6. Yad Vashem Item ID 13221499, File # JM/17303.
- Bolszowce Area: DAIFO Fond 98c/1c/7. Yad Vashem Item ID 13222019, File #JM/17303.
- Kutce Area: DAIFO Fond 98c/1c/16. Yad Vashem Item ID 13223659, File # JM/17303.
- Rohatyn Area: DAIFO Fond 98c/1c/27. Yad Vashem Item ID 13224740, File # JM/17303.
- Rohatyn Area (mislabelled as Stanislawow District): DAIFO Fond 98/1/2. Yad Vashem Item ID 8151557, File # 1243
Stanislawow List of Victims transliterated by Alexander Dunai for Jewishgen.org
Bolsczowce List of Victims transliterated by Alexander Dunai for Jewishgen.org
List of Jews from Rogatin, in the Ivano-Frankovsk region, who were murdered in the Rogatin Ghetto by the Gestapo, 22/08/1942
Rabbi Kolesnik Collection. Yad Vashem Item ID 7599216, File 1123
List of Jews from Rogatin who were murdered in the Rogatin Ghetto, 1942
Rabbi Kolesnik Collection. Yad Vashem Item ID 7599378, File 1124
List of Jews from Rohatyn, Poland, who were murdered in the Rohatyn Ghetto, 1942
Rabbi Kolesnik Collection. Yad Vashem - Item ID 7910830, File 1100
List of Jews from Rogatin who were murdered in the Rogatin Ghetto, 1941-1942
Rabbi Kolesnik Collection. Yad Vashem - Item ID 7910956, File 1100
List of Jews from Rohatyn, Poland, who were murdered in the Rohatyn Ghetto, 1942
Rabbi Kolesnik Collection. Yad Vashem - Item ID 7910977, File 1100
List of Jews from Various Ghettos in Stanislawow Region who were murdered, 1942-1943.
Yad Vashem Catalog: RG O.41 File 1058 Item ID 6468704 pages 205-234, submitted by Boris Maftzir.
Rabbi Kolesnik Collection: RDRG Document link
List of Jews from Horodenka, Zabolotow, Kuty, Bolczowce, and Pistin who perished. Submitted by Boris Arsen
Yad Vashem. Item ID 5266261, File # 301.
List of Jews from various settlements in the Ivano Frankovsk area who perished, 1941-1944
Rabbi Kolesnik Collection. Yad Vashem. RG O.41, Item ID 9112069, File 1344
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Holocaust Victims and Survivors Database: Search for Names - The results of a names search using the keyword ROHATYN for place.
Holocaust Victims and Survivors Database: Search for Lists - The results of a lists search using the keyword ROHAYN for all fields.
Search the Collections - The results of a collection search using the keyword ROHATYN
Search the Library - The results of a library search using the keyword ROHATYN
Holocaust related records at Ukrainian Archives (RG-31) Press release
Rohatyn Yizkor Book
Reparations Database in the Berlin State Archive
Searching Restitution Claim Case Files: http://wga-datenbank.de/recherche.php?s=3
Names associated with the town of Rohatyn:
Rachel Eichbaum nee Feigenbaum
Alter Faust.
Memory of the People
The website Memory of the People added 18 million service records, 1.3 million award records and 900,000 killed in action records to the database which now has 70 million records. To view the website see: https://pamyat-naroda.ru/ it's in Russian. https://pamyat-naroda.ru/heroes/?adv_search=y If the search boxes do not appear click on "specify". The key words need to be in Russian. Use Google translate https://translate.google.com/ or Steve Morse's transliterating English to Russian in One Step at: https://stevemorse.org/russian/eng2rus.html
The website covers both Jewish and non-Jewish military records. For some keywords in Russian, and tips for searching and looking at the search page see: https://lostrussianfamily.wordpress.com/2018/06/03/millions-of-records-added-to-wwii-database/ [or https://tinyurl.com/y7zekbyc --Mod]
The Russian Military Archives provides a guide to this database. See: https://pamyat-naroda.ru/how-to-search/ If it opens in Russian click on the EN on upper right This website also has more free databases. See: https://lostrussianfamily.wordpress.com/free-databases/
Ordering Testimonies
Netherlands WW2 Victims List
Yad Vashem Document Archive
Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933 - 1945
Lvov Ghetto Database
Arolsen Archives
Gesher Galicia All Galicia Database
Stanislawow. Alphabetical index of Jewish residents, from 1941, after the
German occupation of the town. There are 5,876 entries here, giving the
names of Jews in the town in late 1941, before the ghetto was set up at
the end of December. Originally, there were another 1,300 entries in this
file, but parts of it were removed or lost at some point after the end of the
war. In particular, surnames starting with C, N, R, U, V and Z are all
missing. Surnames with S are also missing, except for those starting with
SCH-, which are included. Years of birth and addresses in the town are
given for those listed.
- Stanislawow. Jews who were ill or injured, September 10, 1941 to
September 16, 1942. This book contains 1,298 entries, with some people
listed more than once. The age of the person and their address are given.
Also included in the book (though not indexed) are the conditions of
those listed and the rudimentary treatment provided for their condition -
in many cases simply a "Verband" (bandage, dressing).
From Ofir Kafri: Maybe it will interest you to know or maybe the Rohtyn community that there is a govermant archive in Israel that holds files containing historical and family information of Holocaust survivors who sought compensation for the Holocaust. The files sometimes also contain information from Germany. To my delight, they found files of my grandparents that contained information about the family from Rohtyn and documents from the family's history. It should be noted that files did not always survive or are found as happened in the case of my father's parents. They provide free service. Relatives of the deceased can contact them or the survivors themselves. In our case they responded quickly. I hope they behave this way regularly towards families who turn to them. I am adding links to the two government units dealing with the subject. Unfortunately the pages are in Hebrew and without an English translation. I have also added their email that can be contacted regarding archive files.
Regarding the government departments. Both units do not publish lists of people online so an independent search cannot be done. They also did not publish procedures for providing information from the archives.
As for the Department for holocaust survivors rights, i understood that they search the archive with the Israeli ID number of the survivor. In other words, he should have been an Israeli resident when he applied for compensation and the file opened. To receive the information from the archive an application must be filled out, including the details of the survivor (name, birth date etc.) and details of the person that requested the file (if it's a relative and not the survivor). I emailed them and received the files by email.
As to the Department of personal damages the process is more complex and less clear. There is no organized website. They are focused on compensation claims previously sent to Germany. As I understand it, they search the archive by name and surname, date of birth, original country and maiden name in case it is a woman. They do not ask for an Israeli ID number or citizenship information of the survivor. But apparently the survivor had to be a resident of Israel when he applied for compensation. If the survivor does not apply personally, then they seek proof that the person that requested the file is the heir of the survivor and confirmation of the survivor's death. I emailed them and they emailed the information they found back to me. During the process an employee also contacted me on the phone and tried to identify the relatives from a list he had. If I understood correctly they give information to families regardless of the contemporary citizenship of the survivor (from my experience with Israeli bureaucracy and when there are no visible procedures things can sometimes change depending on the clerk :)).
Department of personal damages
Department for holocaust survivors rights
First check the records the Arolsen Archives has online at arolsen-archives.org. Not all of their records are online so if your online search is unsuccessful you can submit a research request with them or with the USHMM Resource Center using their form at https://www.ushmm.org/remember/resources-holocaust-survivors-victims/individual-research/services/getting-started.Megan Lewis, reference librarian, USHMM
Best (and possibly only place) to obtain birth ceertificate is from the registrar in the town where the DP camp was located. It took me one email to get a digital copy and at my request a hard copy mailed.
The Sharit Ha-Platah index is also available on Ancestry :https://www.ancestry.co.uk/search/collections/1390/https://credo.library.umass.edu/view/full/murb000-schoen-dig-i001
Foehrenwald was the large Displaced Persons camp in Munich which remained open for much longer than other camps. It is where Rabbi Abraham Klausner recorded the names of refugees and details of their next of Kin - assembled in books he names She'erit Ha'pleita = the "remaining remnants"The responsible authority for records is the Municipality of Munich - its so called Standesamt and Stadtarchiv Standesamt München-Pasing | Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR) 2.7(44) · Registry office andhttps://stadt.muenchen.de/infos/stadtarchivmuenchen.html